People in Trees Taking Pictures”: Tiger Woods’s Son Charlie’s Struggles as a Celebrity Kid, School Coach Once Revealed…….

What do you think about Charlie Woods‘s high school life? Being the son of Tiger Woods, one might think he must enjoy the attention. However, it doesn’t seem like that’s the case. Instead, it’s the opposite; Woods’s fame is causing the 15-year-old trouble some unnecessary trouble, as per his head coach of the high school…

What do you think about Charlie Woods‘s high school life? Being the son of Tiger Woods, one might think he must enjoy the attention. However, it doesn’t seem like that’s the case. Instead, it’s the opposite; Woods’s fame is causing the 15-year-old trouble some unnecessary trouble, as per his head coach of the high school golf team.

The story dates back to last year when Toby Harbeck, the head boys’ golf coach and an English teacher at the Benjamin School, was asked about Charlie Woods’s life as a celebrity kid. As a response, the coach shared a story from the 8th hole, a straight-away par-5 lined by condos down the right side in high school golf. “And I’m watching all these doors to the condos opening up and all these people come out because they knew he was there,” he said, as revealed on


However, due to inclement weather, play was suspended, and while all the coaches took the shelter, Woods Jr. was unable to, as he was still signing autographs and taking pictures with the fans. Harbeck also shared a story from a different tournament where some photographers attempted to sneak onto the course to watch the young prodigy. He further talked about saying, “You can’t stop anyone from coming, and if Tiger’s there, it’s crazier. Trust me, there are people in trees taking pictures. Microphones in his face.”

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